Frogs in Howth and Sutton

Sutton resident Laura O’Neill is currently pursuing a Masters in Biodiversity and Conservation in Trinity College Dublin and is carrying out a research project investigating the habitats and genetic diversity of frogs in Howth and Sutton. This is a continuation of a project carried out by Meghan Doyle in 2015 which involved some interesting results for frogs in our local area.

Laura wants to find out if any HSHS members currently have frogs, frequently had frogs in the past, or have had recent sightings of frogs in their gardens. This includes frogs of any size, tadpoles and frog spawn. In addition, if frogs are present, is there a pond, waterbody or wetland present in the garden?

If you or anyone you know in the locality are interested in their garden being included in the study, Laura can be contacted by email at [email protected] to discuss this further.
Any information will be beneficial to her project and would be greatly appreciated.

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