Howth and Sutton Horticultural Society hold two shows and plant sales every year – one in Spring and one in Autumn. The shows are held in Pobalscoil Neasain, St. Nessan’s Community School, Baldoyle, Dublin D13 F9K2 and open to all – members, non members, new exhibitors, novices and children.
Plant donations, home baked cake donations and books, CD’s and records in good condition may be dropped to Pobalscoil Neasain from 6pm -8pm on Friday the day before the show or before 11am on the Saturday morning of the show. All donations gratefully received.
Download Autumn Show schedule here.
Please submit your entries before Thursday 29th August. See page 10 of schedule for further info.
If our shows are to succeed we need the support of all HSHS members and the local community. Don’t be reluctant, have a go! One entry or more from every HSHS member or visitor would guarantee a super show. There are classes to suit all including novices and juniors. If in doubt seek advice. There are lots of friendly, enthusiastic, experienced people around, delighted and willing to assist. To request a show schedule email [email protected].
If showing is not your thing come along for the plant sale, browse the book stall and sit and enjoy the wonderful exhibits over home made cakes, tea and coffee. Everyone welcome.
Exhibits of flowers and plants, fruit and vegetables, cookery, arts and crafts, photography and junior entries can be entered from 6:00pm-8.30pm on the Friday evening before the show. Exhibits may also be entered between 8am-10:45am on Saturday the day of the show. All exhibitors must vacate the hall by 11am sharp when judging will commence. For hints and tips on exhibiting please click here. Email show entries in advance to the HSHS Show Committee [email protected].