Dear Members,
We invite you to be involved in the new HSHS Growers Group within the Howth and Sutton Horticultural Society. The idea is to help members grow more plants for the HSHS plant sales. The Sales help support the Society and also raise funds for the Hospice. The Growers Group will support members with the information and skills needed to propagate new plants. In return, we ask members of the group to commit to growing 20 plants for next year’s plant sale. Don’t worry, you will be supported with skills and information to be able to do it well. We are looking for members with some experience of gardening without being experts. See more details about the Growers Group below.
If you would like to participate, please let us know by sending an email to Conall on [email protected]. The next steps will depend on how many people want to be involved.
We are starting the ball rolling, but we hope others will also get involved with demonstrations and support. A number of experienced gardeners have already offered to help.