HSHS Spring Show and Plant Sale

Spring Show 2018

Entries are now open for the 2023 Howth and Sutton Horticultural Society Spring Show.  Every entry makes a show and there are classes to suit all.  You do not need to be a member to exhibit, the show is open to all.  Have a look around your garden as there are classes for tulips and daffodils.  If you are a first time exhibitor, there is plenty of help available from our stewards, have a look through the show schedule, and bring your exhibits along on Friday evening from 6pm or Saturday morning before 11am, and you will receive plenty of help to set them up.
Donations for the plant sale and the home baking stall may be dropped to the school from Friday 21st April or the morning of the show.
Download the Spring-Show-Schedule-2023 here 


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