STOP PRESS from the plant stall team!
More great plants to whet your appetite in addition to the already impressive collection! How about a lovely pale blue Iris ‘Jane Phillips’; a stately Dierama ,or a glowing golden Carex. Make a statement with a bold Leucanthemella, brighten a shaded bed with Pulmonaria ‘June Blake’, bring spring glory to damper spots with a sea of candelabra primulas. Impress your neighbours with a banana, an exotic palm or a black stemmed bamboo – and many more gems. Something of interest for everyone and all at bargain prices! Spread the news! Come along and bring your friends.
Further donations for the plant stall will be appreciated. The bigger the variety of available plants, the better. These can be brought to St Nessan’s School after 4pm. on Friday August 23rd or as early as possible on the morning of the show. Please label clearly or seek advice if you are unsure. A brief description and picture is always useful.
Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday with lots of friends.
Janet and David Jeffrey.
View Plant Stall List for Autumn Show 2019